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Human Biofields

The physical body we inhabit is but one dimension of what makes us a total person.

Energetically, we are composed of seven fields of energy, or biofields, each with a specific, vibratory frequency radiating from and around the physical body. Their radiation is called, aura, expressing externally what we are internally.

Their colors are red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, indigo and violet, like the colors of a rainbow.

Each of them emits a more or less clear and vibrant color, depending on the influence of Spirit upon our behaviors, words and thoughts, our way of eating, drinking, exercising and resting, but also upon a good, rhythmic and generous oxygenation to keep our human “terrain” clean.

Their purity and perfect synchronization express Light on Earth.

For this we need to be physically centered, able to breathe correctly, to relax easily, yet to be mentally alert; aware of the present moment, able to respond to our human duties with sincerity, courage and love.

The harmonic synchronicity of the physical body and its biofields, or the misalignment of these dimensions, affects our health, awareness, and well being.