Christiane Poupel
en’ wave Co-Founder and Developer, Sophrologist, Numerologist, Life Consultant
A native of France, Christiane has walked the discipline of Raja Yoga (Patanjali), which has given her the knowledge of the laws of equilibrium of human energy. Christiane combines wisdom with the intelligence and language of the heart to provide transformational guidance. She is fluent in French and English. Her brother, Dr. P. Chausson, Chiropractor, maintains a chiropractic clinic in Barcelona, Spain, where en’ wave programs are conducted. Christiane’s son, Dr. J. Poupel, Chiropractor, maintains a practice in England.
BA, Chiropractor, CCFC en’ wave Co-Founder and Developer, Nutrition and Life Consultant, Numerologist
Stephanie has been a chiropractor for 30 years. She and her husband, Dr. R. Miklebost, maintain a chiropractic center in San Ramon, California, where she conducts en’ wave programs and clinical trials. Stephanie has served on the Board of the California Craniopathic Society and is active in selected chiropractic organizations.
en’ wave Developer, Sophrologist, Numerologist, Life Consultant
Lisa is a tenured student of energetic disciplines. She conducts en’ wave programs at the office of her husband, Dr. P. Chausson, Chiropractor, in Barcelona, Spain. A native or Norway, Lisa is fluent in Nordic languages, English, and French, and conversive in German and Spanish.
The universe is a vast reservoir of life and our connection is there.